Janamukti Anusthan

What we have Achieve

Major Achievements

Janamukti Anusthan has been working on poverty eradication and livelihood enhancement of the most marginalized section of the society for the last 2 decades in the Titilagarh subdivision as well as a different socio-economically vulnerable area of Balangir district. During the journey the organization has worked for the development of the most marginalized section building relation with Govt. and non Govt. agencies. At this juncture, the organization reached the unreached remote tribal village area and started work on managing and arresting distress migration and bonded labor through the employment generation program. Checking the dropout rate at the elementary level of school children of migrant families, the organization ran 25 no’s of Residential Care Centres (RCC) in the year 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 in the highly migration-prone area of Muribahal block getting financial support from Sarva Shikshya Abhiyan, under OPEPA, Government of Odisha. Besides these building capacities of School Management Committees (SMCs), reintegration of migrant and bonded laborers children, monitoring of Residential Care Centers /Seasonal Hostels, and building awareness among the SMC members, parents, and stakeholders on Right to Education (RTE) activities are being undertaken as the focused activities of the organization. To expedite the initiative, the agency name, Aide et Action through the Migrant and Bonded Labour Initiative (MBLI) supported the organization from 2010-2013. The creation of water structures and responding to drought became the most priority area of the organization because people of the area have been facing crop loss every year and used to migrate due to the frequent drought. To overcome the situation the organization created durable asserts using a technical team with the support of CARE- DFID and the Government of Odisha. Apart from this the organization positively thought about the implementation of the NREGA and in the initial phase (in Aug 2006) the organization sent a representative to Samaj Pragati Sahayog, Dewas, MP. for the NREGA-Water shade training, and after that, the organization facilitated the process at village/GP and block level and got a positive result. To accelerate the initiative of the organization Western Odisha NREGA Consortium (WONC) becomes assisted (in June 2007 onwards) and in a collaborative approach, the organization facilitated the GP-level NREGA implementation process. Empowering the GP level functionaries, SHGs, and Cadres, forming and strengthening the Village level Job seekers committee, GP level, and block level Jobseekers unions are the main focus activities of the project. Greening MGNREGA (UNDP –MoRD supported program) was also a very effective program to create WHS through the water shade principles. Gram Sabha Shasakti Karan Karya Kram (GSSK) was also a very innovative program of the PR department Government of Odisha. Our organization worked tremendously with the OMEGA-DFID team in the Bangomunda block. At present, the organization is working as a resource organization at the block level to empower the different primary stakeholders and institutions involved with the Block Public hearing committee and social audit process under MGNREGA.

 In addition, the organization is working as a block-level resource organization to expedite the MGNREGA through the Cluster facilitation team (CFT) MoRD and PR dept Gov. of Odisha supported program. Along with this, the organization is working with the various line depts. in a convergence approach for protecting Natural resources through the “Quick Win intervention”(DFID-SPS supported program). The Intensive Participatory Planning Exercise IPPE-I and IPPE-II are completed successfully by the facilitation of the Organization. The organization has lots of experience in employment generation and reducing distress migration through convergence programs.

In November 2015 onwards another valuable program i.e. People Action In Development (PAID) Supported by Bharat Rural Livelihoods (BRLF) had been started for enhancing the livelihoods of 3000 poor and marginalized families under 04 Gram Panchayat of Muribahal block of Bolangir district. The program is meant to secure the livelihoods of unprivileged sections through sustainable agriculture, building strong self-help structures, and converging with different State & Central Govt schemes and programs. The project aims to reduce vulnerabilities associated with poverty and food and nutrition insecurity of poor people by adopting natural resource management and sustainable agricultural practices and involvement in off-farm income generation activities through the convergence of MGNREGS & NRLM (through the creation of NRM-based durable assets at community and individual level will be created and provide sustainable income for the community. At the same time, Self-help structures like women SHGs and their Federation, Farmer’s clubs, Forest Management Committees, and Job Seekers Committee are involved in their sustainable development. The planned measures will ensure a minimum of 150 days of employment, promote sustainable agriculture, improve agriculture production, and availability of food, and reduce food and nutrition insecurity, malnutrition among women and children, indebtedness, and migration of people. 

Apart from this, to cope with the climate change issue, and establish resilient climate structures, adaptation, and climate-resilient livelihoods practices in a biophysically and socio-economically vulnerable area, the Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth (ICRG) intervention has been launched on 1st August 2017 in no. of 4 most climatic vulnerable blocks of Bolangir districts like Gudvela, Saintala, Deogaon, and Titilagarh with the supports of DFID- IPE Global Ltd & Government of Odisha. As an ICRG partner organization, Janamukti Anusthan is facilitating the process by deploying Block level facilitators in the above-mentioned blocks. The broader objective behind the intervention is to expedite the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and create Climate Resilient asserts for this area through convergence with different schemes and programs of government departments.

On November 6th,2018, Agriculture Production Cluster (APC) project was launched by the Honorable Chief Minister of Odisha, Shri Nabin Pattanaik. This is a project of the Department of Agriculture and Farmer Empowerment, Govt. of Odisha in the high land region of Odisha funded by the Odisha Livelihood Mission of Panchayati Raj and Drinking water department, and APICOL in partnership with Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation (BRLF) and PRADAN with the objective of doubling the income of 3000 small and marginal farmers in the backward highland of Muribahal block of Odisha. The schemes available with the directorate of Horticulture, OAIC, OLIC, and relevant departments will be converged for the creation of livelihood infrastructure required by farmers in the region.

In December 2019, the project titled “Arresting Distress Migration” was initiated in 11 GPs of Muribahal block with the support of district administration. Strengthening Job Seeker committees, creating awareness among migrant families, Preparation of village-level INRM plans, demanding jobs, capacity building of Job seeker leaders, and monitoring to ensure timely wages payment under MGNREGA are the focus activities of the program.

JMA also has responded to Covid-19 by implementing relief works supported by BRLF, the ICRG project supported by UNDP, and the restoration of livelihood program supported by Individual donors namely, Mr. Trilok Chand Ghai and his Family. Later on, with the support of the Azim Premji Foundation (Philanthropic Initiatives), the Organization is supporting block administration in the vaccination drive program with the objective of ensuring cent percent vaccination coverage in Muribahal block.

Currently, the organization is working on doubling the farmer’s income of 3000 Households under the Agriculture Production Cluster (APC) in 30 villages under 6 GPs of Muribahal block with the Support of BRLF and the Government of Odisha and the Livelihood support program for migrants and vulnerable Households in Muribahal block with the support of Bengal Finance & Investment Pvt Ltd in Muribahal block as well working in 101 villages of 4 blocks like Muribahal, Saintala, Deogaon, and Gudvela block under the project “The self-reliance and resilience of rural communities in Balangir district with the support of Reliance foundation. Ensuring sustainable livelihoods of marginalized communities through entrepreneurship development, integrated value chain development and climate protection are the main objectives of the project.

Some qualitative and quantitative achievements of the organization of last some years

There is no. of 165 Women Self Help Groups (SHG) have been formed and these are working for the development of the village economy and women’s empowerment.

  • Formation of CBO: JMA has formed 165 Women Self Help Groups (SHG) and these are working for the development of the village economy as well as women’s empowerment. Formed no. of 30 Farmer’s clubs in 30 villages and they are doing practice organic farming. Formed 52 no. of village-level labor committees, no. of 7 GP-level labor committees, and No. of 1 block-level labor committee in Muribahal Block to success the MGNREGA
  • Irrigation: Created no. of 60 water bodies in different drought-prone villages and such are using irrigation purposes and some are using for multipurpose.
  • No. of 17 water bodies have been taken leased by the SHGs from different Gram Panchayats and these are used for fisheries.
  • Plantation: Created no. of 5 patches plantation and these are protected by the village comities.
  • Declared Ganrei GP is a Zero migration prone GP in 2004 for checking distress migration through Onion cultivation and convergence with other livelihoods programs.
  • By the continuous follow-up, there is no. of 125 families of 9 hamlet forest villages of Muribahal block got land patta under FRA, 2006 and they have been able to establish there.
  • Through Rescue operation No. of 273 Bonded laborers have been rescued in the last 8 years with the support of Aide-et Action, Action Aid, and International Justice Mission (IJM) from different brick kilns area. JMA had taken post-release initiatives for complete rehabilitation and through the process till Jan 2015, no. of 227 persons of Muribahal, Bangomunda, and Titilagarh block have got Rs 4508000 rehabilitation support from the Government. For the complete rehabilitation and providing rehabilitation package for the rest of the bonded laborers the work is in process.
  • No. of 72 Micro Level Plans have been prepared and these are used in concerned villages as development tools.
  • No. of 27 MGNREGA and livelihood-based plans have been prepared in no. of 2 GPs of Muribahal Block and these are used for the success of MGNREGA under the Greening MGNREGA Program.
  • By the collaboration of the Block administration of Muribahal, utilized near about Rs.5.26 lakhs (five Corers twenty-six lakhs) and provided 100 days of work for 1475 HHs. This block became declared as a number one 100 days of work provider block under MGNREGA in Odisha for the financial year 2012-2013 and in the 2013-14 financial year Muribahl block utilized 6.48 lakhs. There are provided 100 days of work for 1875 HHs and 150 days of work for 707 HHs and became the highest achiever block under the Bolangir district. In the financial year 2015-16 the block generated 4, 65000 person days by utilizing 12.56 corers rupees and kept its No.1 position in Bolangir District.
  • Reduced 15 percent seasonal distress migration in highly migration GPs like Ichhapada and Gudighat where we are closely facilitating the entire MGNREGA process. Due to the continuous efforts of block administration and our organization, some villages of Muribahal block were declared as “zero” migration villages like kantadunguri, Hadhada, Kandakhal, Podhmundi, and Kherat
  • No. of 20 Grain banks has been created to meet immediate needs during starvation.
  • Under the Gram Sabha Shaktikaran Kram (GSSKK) no. of 33 MGNREGA Based Micro Level Plans have been prepared in Bangomunda Block.
  • The MGNREGA-NRLM convergence program through the Cluster facilitation (CFT) has been started in 61 villages under the 6 GPs of Muribahal block from 23rd July 2014.
  • Through the Integrated Participatory Planning Exercise (IPPE-I and IPPE-II) No.of 61 MLPs have been prepared by the Cluster Facilitation Team in Muribahal block and these are presented in Pallisabha and Gram Sabha of Jan/Feb 2015 and 2016 for the labor budget, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
  • Replicated the Mahabandha (Rain water harvesting structure) project in Bijamal and Sukunipadar (Barbandh) village under the Quick-Win/Climate change intervention in the year, 2016-17.
  • Supported no. of 40 marginal farmers (ST category) for making Ring well under the BRLF/PAID project in years 2016-17 and 2017-18.
  • Onion storage structure: Constructed 10 no’s of Low- Cost Onion Structure (@ 25000/) for 10 no’s of farmers in 4 BRLF/PAID project operational GPs of Muribahal block and 11 onion storage structure constructed with the subsidy support of Horticulture.
  • The agriculture Production cluster (APC) is a joint initiative of OLM, the Agriculture dept, Horticulture Dept. APICOL, OLIC, OAIC, PRADAN, Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation, and Janamukti Anusthan. It has taken 3012 HHs of 6 GPs under Muribahal Block. 23 PG and 1 PC have been formed in the Muribahal block as per APC guidelines.
  • The PC has been able to mobilize 1210 shares with an amount of Rs. 4.97 lakhs. The total turnover of the PC is Rs. 32.95.
  • Under NPM, constructed 52 Bhu-NADEP through community contribution to prepare compost, selected 2 NPM AEs with start-up support who are preparing NPM products, and 2 NPM cluster has been formed. As result 867 families have prepared Jevamruta, Ghanajeevamrita, Bijamruta, Agniastra, Neemastra, and Mathstraand used in 400.15 acres of land.
  • Completed 130 irrigation structures (Bore well, MRLP, Farm pond, Dug well, Check Dam, etc), through all complete structures 436 acres of irrigation potential has been created covering 293 households and 63 households have installed Micro Irrigation in 21 acres.
  • 11 GPs of Muribahal Block has been undertaken to arrest distress migrations in partnership with district administration, 85 no’s of village-level INRM plans have been prepared and incorporated in the MGNREGA labor budget for the financial year 2020-21.
  • Promoted 13 intensive livestock PGs, 92.26 percent of households are under livestock rearing.
  • Leverage: Government fund as leverage amount mobilized up to 1572 lakhs.
  • Sabjee Cooler: Installation of 8 numbers of zero energy Sabjee Cooler with 1 quintal storage capacity.
  • Seed Bank: Promotion of the seed bank of Desi Kabri Brinjal
  • Multi-layer farming: Practiced with 42 families
  • Provided support to 6 reverse migration families during the covid-19 wave: 1 under the restoration of livelihood programme. No. of 4 Low-cost Goat sheds, one central Nursery and one Poultry Mother Unit constructed and started Goat and chick rearing, growing vegetable saplings by making the proper sustainable livelihoods and business plans through this programme.
  • 93 community as well as individual projected executed under Arrest Distress Migration during the FY 2021-22.
  • Covid 19 support: Relief packets were distributed to 984 deprived, disabled persons, migrants, landless, diseased, women-headed, old age, widows, helpless, and PDS-excluded families with the support of APPI. No. of 380 families supported with input support in terms of vegetable seeds and chick.
  • Health awareness camp: 11 health awareness camps were conducted in collaboration with the vaccination team of the health department, where 782 people have distributed masks and sanitation kits.
  • Mask distribution: 2850 MGNREGA workers were provided 3200 masks at the workplace.
  • Covid vaccination camp: Supported health department through additional vaccination team to increase the vaccination coverage. As result, 81 and 76 percent vaccination rates were achieved among the 18 years and above population group.
  • 357 disabled and elderly people reached the vaccination camp through a vehicle facility.
  • Support under Bengal Finance and Investment Pvt. Ltd: 11 no. of Goat Sheds, 4 no. of Poultry sheds, 2 no. of Grossery shop support, 1 no. of the Tailoring machine, 1 no. of Butcher unit, 2 no. of Onion storage structure, 1 no. of vegetable outlet and 1 no. of Oil mil unit to 1 SHG. 
  • Under the support of Reliance Foundation- 6 villages improved access to safe drinking water, 28 villages developed awareness of climate-smart agriculture, 43 villages developed awareness on balance nutrition, 176 Reliance Nutri Gardens developed at HH level, 139 hectors of area developed under improved production practice, 26 SHG facilitated with access to finance, 53 individuals and 440 SHGs taken up IGA, 487 individuals impacted with financial inclusion.